Saturday, October 12, 2013

Day 12 - A Minute of Ministry

This will be short and sweet, mainly due to the fact that my eyelids simply won't stay open.  But to add to the post from yesterday, I want to emphasize how blessed we are to be able to homeschool alongside the ministry we are in.    Youth ministry is the busiest during the summer, which often means that daddy is away more. But because of the flexibility of homeschooling, we can plan our vacations for other times of the year.  

Homeschooling also has allowed us to be able to join Marty on weekend retreats like our annual one to Caswell on Oak Island. This is our third year taking our girls and they love it!  They get to hang out with the students who treat them like little sisters.  They get to be with daddy on the forts and walk through Southport.  They get to stay in the conference center (or hotel, as they call it).  Overall it's an incredible weekend and I'm so thankful to be able to serve alongside my husband in ministry.  We are truly blessed!


  1. Replies
    1. She packed it. She would have worn her tap shoes too if I had let her.
