Monday, September 30, 2013

31 days...

It's almost October again and bloggers around the globe will attempt to write on a single topic for 31 days.  The Nester instigated this challenge a few years ago and it has now grown to over 1,200 bloggers participating in such a venture.  Last year, I wrote about going from insanity to sanity in 31 days.  Not so sure if it really helped on the insanity level, but it was definitely a challenge and often very therapeutic to make myself write each day. 

But this year I struggled with what to write about and even whether or not at all.  After all, I can't seem to keep up with laundry, cleaning (what's that?), and teaching my girls, much less adding daily blogging to my schedule.  So I'll be honest, if blogging gets in the way of what God has called me to do, then my 31 days may be cut short and that's ok.  

I chose the topic of homeschooling: pure & simple mainly as a daily journal for myself, a way to hold me accountable, to hopefully inspire me to give more effort to this gift that He has called me to do, and to simply be real.  I hope to share our reasons for homeschooling, our curriculum, the personalities of my girls, some of my greatest struggles, fears, and so many weaknesses.  Instead of {a day in the life of a homeschooler}, it will be more like {a month in the life}.  I hope to share our good days and our not so good days.  My goal is not to be the perfect or most creative homeschool mom, but by the end of October, I hope to look back and see His hand (not mine) sketching a small portion of my girls journey in learning at home.  Maybe I'll learn a little something too...

Day 4 - Friends
Day 6 - Our Homeschool Room (Present, Future, & Dreams)
Day 7 - The Mundane
Day 8 - My Shoes
Day 16 - Coffee & Rest

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Time to Breathe...

Over the years, we have found that getting away for vacation is essential.  Taking time to breathe away from everything.  This was such a special vacation with my entire family, possibly our last for a while.  My sister, Joy, and her family will most likely be moving to Ghana, Africa before the next summer.  It was bittersweet.

Here is a beach-load of pictures with a little recap at the end.

Our time at the Outer Banks was unforgettable.  From flying kites on Jockey's Ridge with the sun setting along the sound to digging for shark's teeth at the NC Aquarium, our family vacation was everything we had hoped for.  Being there with my parents, two sisters and our families brought back many childhood memories spent along the beaches of Japan.  We will never forget the family meals together, eating the fish caught by the guys & Chloe one morning, the several walks along the beach and through the neighborhood, trying out a new frozen yogurt place (the cutest place ever!), date nights for the couples, finishing the 700 piece puzzle, swimming along the sound, family devotions, discovering Coquina Beach with all its shells, eating mexican food out, and the list could go on...  Now summer is officially over.  Fall is in the air and change is on the horizon.