Sunday, October 13, 2013

Day 13 - Homeschooler or Hoarder

I never considered myself a pack-rat by nature, but with each year of homeschooling, I find our house getting a little tighter, especially our classroom.  Obviously with each grade we accumulate more and more books.  We are blessed to be able to borrow many of our history books from friends who use the Sonlight curriculum, so those books are returned each year.  But with every consignment sale or Goodwill trip, a few more books get added to our shelves.  It’s just too tempting!  

All this extra though adds up to overly full bookshelves, bins so full that I’m not sure what is really in them anymore, and boxes in our garage that I’ve forgotten about.  Organization, that’s the key, right?  I’m slowly trying to weed out more. 

- Take twaddle books to the used bookstore (Mike's Used Books) and get credit for future books (a treat when going to Trader Joes or holiday gifts)

- Only hold on to curriculum that we love using!  If I do not enjoy teaching it, then it's certainly not going to be enjoyable for my girls. 

- Take a list to the homeschool store or homeschool consignment sales.  This might help curb the excessive ooh's and aah's of seeing other books that interest me.

- Order the majority of my curriculum online.  I just discovered that CBD sells homeschool curriculum, almost everything I needed this year, for cheaper than Amazon!  Why has no one told me this before now?

- Make sure that everything has a place.

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