January 7th - My grace reminder by my sink
January 8th - More grace reminders... my sweet girls playing Pretty, Pretty, Princess
So the night before last, as I was once again going to bed later than I had hoped, I'm telling Marty how adorable the girls were that afternoon in their backpacks and bedrolls. "We're going exploring, Mom." in the backyard... As I'm telling him this at almost midnight, I think to myself, "I don't remember seeing those backpacks & bedrolls come back in the house." Hoping that they were just downstairs, I head to bed. But as I hear the rain pitter-pattering outside, I have this feeling that they are not downstairs, but sitting outside in their favorite corner of the yard, in the mud... I cannot go to sleep now. So as soon as I hear Marty start snoring, I creep downstairs in the dark with flashlight in hand and my rainboots completing my lovely sleep attire. No backpacks downstairs, no backpacks in the mud corner (phewf!), no backpacks in the fort.... At this point, it's after midnight and I'm searching our backyard in the dark, in the rain, with my little flashlight wondering where they could have put them. Then, there in the middle of the yard stands their little tent... perfectly arranged, their blankets, pillows, and their backpacks in one of the corners. I really wish that I had brought my camera out with me. At that point, any frustration I may have felt disappeared and I couldn't help, but smile.
Finally took a picture of the tent - January 11th
January 9th - Cinnamon Dolce
Since that night, there have been ups and downs. The wonderful Monday morning treat of a Starbucks coffee being hand-delivered by a friend, just because..., lunch with old and new friends, emotions that rage here and there, and the excitement of Nana coming soon. As I'm reading the book, Grace-Based Parenting by Dr. Tim Kimmel, I've been reminded over and over again of God's amazing grace for me. Every day I fail as a mother, a wife, and most of all, a daughter of my heavenly Father. But He keeps on loving me and by His grace, I can start each day new with no mistakes.
Sophie was so excited when she saw Nana!
January 10th - Nana comes for a visit!!
Daddy's little helper (in her pj's)
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