Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Importance of Looking Back...

Every year when the new year rolls around, a blank calendar waits patiently to be filled.  Birthdays and anniversaries are added while flipping back over the twelve months prior.  I am always amazed at the capacity an entire year can hold.  I would never have imagined some of the events and circumstances of the past year to have occurred. 

In 2012, my unintentional focus was upon grace, the amazing grace of our Lord of which I deserve none of, the grace He calls me to extend to my family and others around me, and the grace shown to me in the lives of others in the past and present.

My verse that year can be found in Hebrews, "Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may find mercy and grace in time of need."  Books such as Grace for the Good Girl, The Frazzled Female, and Grace Based Parenting, all pointed me towards His Word and the importance and freedom found His grace.

Last year, I knew that my focus needed to be on rest and finding my peace in Him.  How little I knew back in January the importance of these words.  This was my year of letting go...

- Letting go of my expectations for our family
- Letting go of some homeschooling hardships
- Letting go of material things I've been holding onto for far too long
- Letting go of my parents once again

My verse beside my kitchen sink reminded me time and time again, to "be still and know that He is God."  That is hard for a mom to do. It's hard for anyone to do, but it is so vital for every believer.  My favorite book last year (that I need to read again) was The Rest of God by Mark Buchanan.  Amazing book for that exact point in my life!

Now I look ahead, standing firmly beside the love of my life, knowing that God has placed us where we are for a reason.  We know it will not be easy, but we place our trust in the one who controls it all.  Without a doubt, we must "Trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding." 

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