Monday, February 25, 2013

Rest for the Weary...

We all need rest.  We all need time away, whether it's at a fancy hotel or within the quiet walls of our own bathroom.  As a mother to my three precious girls, whom I am with all day every day, I needed rest.  How blessed I was to receive such a gift this past weekend!  

Tara and I met over nine years ago on little Danritch Drive in Richfield, North Carolina.  We immediately shared a bond as sisters in Christ, but within the year became first time mothers to our sweet little girls.  We took many walks together down that single street to the cow pastures and back to the highway.  We shared lunches in each others homes, learning simple recipes, and trying to figure this whole mothering thing out. During that year, she shared with me a book that has encouraged me time and time again.  Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson was the first of many inspiring books that has revitalized me to be the mother God desires me to be.  

Nine years later, Tara and I have both moved away, had more babies, endured struggles, yet by God's grace, have continued on in our desire to train and guide our children within the walls of our homes.  It is only by His grace! (and the support of our wonderful husbands!)  

Hearing one of our mentors, Sally Clarkson, was truly a treat this weekend!  By Saturday afternoon, I felt as though a high-powered fire hose of wisdom had been sprayed at me, unable to really take it all in. We were encouraged to discover the values of heartfelt discipline, to raise our children in grace and truth, to look for the beauty in the midst of chaos, to wake up to this awesome calling of being mothers, to plant the seeds of our children and not just throw them into the wind, and the notes go on and on.

Coming home, I felt exhausted, yet rejuvenated.  There were no feelings of guilt or changing the game plan of parenting.  I only felt encouragement and the renewed desire to keep on going.  Obviously, the weekend shed light on areas in need of improvement, but through the guidance of the Holy Spirit and many godly women, it also gave specific ways to fulfill these challenging areas.  I would highly recommend going to a Mom Heart Conference if the opportunity arises.  But if that's not possible, then somehow retreat and take some time to be still before our Lord for He, and only He can truly give rest to the soul.

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