Friday, October 26, 2012

Day 26 - "Stylin' for Sanity"

I am just about blogged out…  five more days.  Today was one of those days that you just want to “call it a day,” check it off in the homeschool book, and be done with it.  Nothing special…  Remember the days as a new mom when one of the items on your to-do list was “get dressed.”  (Others of mine included “do the dishes,” “exercise,” and “shower.”)  I needed to be able to check off the little things in order to feel like I was accomplishing something…  anything!  Even though I am no longer a “new mom,” I still need those moments of affirmation (or the occasional kick-in-the-pants to get me out of bed in the morning).

Proverbs 31:25 says “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.”  I laugh at the days to come (especially at the thought of three teenage girls at one time), but probably not in the same way the Proverbs 31 woman did.  In all seriousness, the way that I dress in the morning plays a big part in how I approach my day.  If I’m still in my t-shirt and shorts from the night before, I move so much slower and accomplish less for the most part.  But if I get up early, spend time in God’s word, exercise, & shower before breakfast, I am more apt to be ready to take on the day.  Now there still is a difference in just putting on my yoga pants & t-shirt, and taking the time to pick an outfit a little more put-together.  

I love my yoga pants!  Don’t get me wrong.  But when I take the time to dress like I care about the body God gave me, it puts me in a productive and confident frame of mind, rather than ho-hum and lackadaisical.  As King David reminds us in Psalm 139:14, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”  This is easy to say and not as easy to do.  I have found a few blogs that give some great ideas for “stylin’ for sanity.”

o Passionate Homemaking – Start your day by getting dressed! – great perspective!!
o The Tiny Twig – 31 Day to a No-Brainer Wardrobe – great tips for knowing your style & choosing your wardrobe on a budget
o Dear Abby LeighDress for the Day – I love her mantra for this!
o The Pleated Poppy – What I Wore Wednesday – gives great ideas for clothes match-up’s and where they were bought.

Day 26 of 31 days from Insanity to Sanity…

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