Thursday, October 11, 2012

Day 11 - Showing our children the love of Christ

I’m one – third of the way there and I have to confess that this has not been easy.  I have struggled as a writer (since I’m not one).  I’ve struggled emotionally with some of the posts.  I’ve struggled to not become more insane by doing this than I already was.  But thank goodness, this really isn’t about me.  I have been so encouraged over the past day or two by other women who have written me and stated that they have similar struggles, that we are not alone. 

Motherhood is a season, that will pass much too quickly.  One of my greatest desires as a mother is to show my girls the love of Christ through my life.  But this can’t happen if I’m too busy running around, cleaning up clutter, and worried about what everyone is doing that I’m not.  This morning was one of those mornings I’ll savor for a while. 

Instead of rushing through breakfast and cleaning dishes while they eat, I enjoyed my cup of coffee and just listened to my girls.  After listening to the Daily Audio Bible, we discussed the importance of living a quiet life, my two big girls giving their own versions of what they heard.  We talked about what they’ve been learning in Sunday School, of Abraham and the promise.  Then, Sophie (my two year old) led us in a spontaneous song of “This Little Light of Mine” which always makes me smile.  Most mornings are not like this.  There is often a lot of whining, quick prayers, and little time in His Word.  But there is always grace, and there is always tomorrow.  Let us not stop encouraging one another through this journey, and pray daily that we might show our little ones the love of Christ through our lives.  

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