Friday, January 1, 2016

Life after Africa...

It's been exactly a month since my trip to Ghana.  Leaving my family, whether it's just for the weekend in the mountains or across the Atlantic to Africa, is hard!  The older the girls get, the more I miss them, and not having my best friend by my side when I travel is just not as fun.  But this last trip was one without a single regret, with peace through it's entirety, and a week I'll never forget.

Walking off the plane in Ghana felt as though I was walking into a sauna.  Immediately, the differences in culture became obvious as I stood in line waiting for customs.  Nervous feelings arose as I prayed that my luggage would arrive safely and that someone would be there to greet me outside the airport as I knew my sister had just had her baby while I was traveling.  But my worries quickly faded as two blond boys, their daddy, and my sweet mama stood out among the crowd waiting to take me to the hospital.

What a blessing it was to see Joy and my brand new nephew, Enoch Graham within hours of his birth!  To see the happiness in the big brothers faces as they too met their littlest brother for the first time! My admiration and respect for my sister only sky rocketed as I took in the conditions of the hospital (which was one of the best in the area).  

My main purpose in visiting Joy & her family was to spend some quality time with them, meet my new nephew, and to help entertain Joy's oldest two.  What fun they were!  I was nervous before going, wondering what to do with boys, as girls are what I'm familiar with. But they were such a blessing to play with!  Blankets, super heroes, forts with couch pillows, chalk drawing, and "football" outside were just a few of our daily activities.  

Eating coconut, fresh from a local seller

Spending a week with these little guys did amazing things on my heart.  Quality time with Titus at 4:30 am some mornings made me want to kiss those cheeks all the more.  Listening to Ezra's stories of super heroes, defeating the bad guys, and protecting his mama made me a proud aunt.  Sharing one of my favorite picture books, Roxaboxen and watching the movie, Home, with him multiple times will always bring a smile when I see them again.

The smell of a new baby.  There are no words to describe it.  Tears fill my eyes as I gratefully praise our Lord for allowing me the privilege of holding my newest nephew.  God's timing still amazes me!  My plans are certainly not His plans, but how much better His are!

Having my mama in Ghana was a God-send as well.  Anyone that knows her realizes how incredible she is.  To travel around the world to witness the birth of her 8th grandchild (as she hasn't missed a birth yet!), she is quick to step into any role (cook, dishwasher, laundry lady, story-teller, playmate, and so much more). 

One of the trash trucks

A man carrying three bundles of water sachets

Ghana is like no country I've ever visited before.  The poverty, the dirt, the heat...  Pictures and even videos can't even begin to cast a glimpse of life in Ghana.  Even my stay there couldn't accurately show me the day to day life my sister and her husband have been living for the last year.  While staying at the guest house, I had the luxury of warm showers (even though sometimes I chose the cold water), a washing machine and dryer, constant electricity when every other street around that block has scheduled power outages, and not a single mosquito bite!  Everything we did was an "experience."  Riding in a car or taxi was an experience.  Ryan has adapted so well to the traffic there.  He does such a great job maneuvering through all the cars and people! Shopping is an experience.  Bartering in the market was quite thrilling (and sweaty!)  Even attending church was an experience.  Hearing the sermon in two languages, both of which were difficult to understand, and the length of the service made that Sunday one that I'd never forget.  

The yard outside the guest house

Typical housing

Pounding out fufu

You buy just about anything on the streets.

As I mentioned earlier, life as a missionary in Ghana cannot be fully comprehended unless you observe it first hand.  Washing dishes must be done with boiling water, first in the wash bucket then in the rinse.  None of this "quick rinse" under the faucet due to the lack of sanitation.  Same goes for brushing teeth.  Water sachets are always beside the bathroom sinks.  Even buying local eggs involve a process before eating.  Because the eggs are most likely carrying bacteria, they must be dry scrubbed before rinsing under water as egg shells are porous and will absorb the bacteria with water if it's not removed first.  Things we never even think of here.

Dry season arrived while I was there, which was a blessing concerning the lack of mosquitoes, but it also brought with it a haze across the sky due to the sand coming off of the Sahara Desert, and constant dust that covered furniture in the house.  These are only a few of the day to day tasks that are so very different from what we experience in the states.

The time I had with Joy will never be forgotten, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.  She truly lives out her name (even when life seems unbearable).  Daily, the Lord showed me ways to pray more specifically for Joy and her family.  Life as a missionary is hard. You can't soften it or really describe it.  It's just hard, yet God is still good.  When He calls, He will equip, even if it only seems on a moment by moment basis.  God taught me more than I thought possible through this trip.  He opened my eyes to my own selfishness, to my complaining heart, to my petty desires, and my need for pure contentment in Him.  

P.S. These three girls were amazing while I was away!  
So thankful for Facetime!


  1. Thanks so much for this recap, Amy! Loved seeing it all from your perspective (especially as we will be there ourselves in just a few short weeks). From your description, it reminds me a lot of India in many ways, but as that is my frame of reference, it will be very interesting to see it firsthand.

    Glad you had the opportunity to be there during such a special time for your family!

    1. Thanks for your words of encouragement, Rachel. I struggled with what to write and share. I am so grateful for that week. Praying for you and Nathan!
