Wednesday, June 10, 2015

15 years...

15 years... The time truly does fly by!  We were so young when we said "I do!" back at West Point Baptist Church, yet I knew without a doubt you were the man that God had saved just for me!

Now after 6 moves, 3 babies, 3 churches, travels to Japan, Canada, Ecuador, and St. Lucia, there is no one I would rather be beside than you!

Marriage with you has been my greatest adventure, and I look so forward to the many destinations we explore together!

I pray daily that our girls will be as blessed as I am to one day have husbands with the same integrity as their daddy.

You are my best of friends.  You make life fun and how grateful I am that you put up with my quirkiness and love me anyway!

Even though today will be like most days:  dishes and laundry, ministry and service, and spending the majority of the day apart, I'm so grateful for the time in Okinawa.  Special memories made over authentic Japanese breakfast, walking to the beach together and writing our names in the sand, was an amazing way to celebrate the past 15 years of our lives together!  (Thank you, Dad & Mom!)

I love you more than you'll ever know, Marty Middleton!  How blessed I am that you chose me!  Happy 15th Anniversary!

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