Our date night to the Melting Pot (compliments of my parents & free babysitting from Mama)
How blessed I am! (January 12th)
January 13th - My amazing mother cooking the best vegan meal I've ever tasted (Baked Tofu & gravy). It tasted like pork chops, but better!! This was a typical picture of her since she has arrived for her visit. Sophie cannot get enough of her Nana.
Naomi got glow in the dark glasses for her birthday and then Nana did an experiment with the girls involving the liquid from glow sticks. Quite exciting!
My sweet nephew, Ezra turned one on December 23rd, but we had his party on Saturday so my mom & Ryan's parents could be there. A perfect one year old party!
January 14th - Our sweet Mama with me and my sisters, Joy &
Kristi (who's expecting a boy too!)
January 15th - Our church's first annual chili cook-off
We had 31 teams and about 200 people attending altogether. It really was a great time! I fixed my vegetarian chili (which I love, of course) and was pleasantly surprised to find another team with one as well. It was delish! Of course, mine did not win, but it was fun anyway. I was very proud of my hubbie for organizing the majority of the event. He worked so hard and it was well worth it in the end.
January 16th - Mondays!!! Today was a typical one. Lesson plans not yet written, dishes still out from the cook-off, stayed up too late the night before, and of course, over-slept that morning! Even though school work was accomplished, lunch served, and naps (Praise the Lord!) were still on schedule, I could not escape my Monday blues. A trip to Kroger after rest time didn't help at all!! Moved to tears on my way home, I was ready to give up and turn in my time card for the day. But frozen pizzas and a forgiving family helped me to step back and remember that things really aren't so bad. Before turning in for the night, I checked on my little ones and couldn't help but be thankful for them.
They stayed asleep even while I took these.
January 17th - Just an every day lunch of pb & j sandwiches, carrot sticks & chips while listening to Adventures in Odyssey @ www.whitsend.org (truly a mommy blessing!)
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