Wednesday, November 9, 2011

If life could only be like a green smoothie...

The other day as I was making the girls their green smoothies with clutter all around me, the calendar bursting at its seams, I thought to myself, "Why can't life be more like green smoothies?"  If you've never tried a green smoothie, you are missing out.  There are many different recipes out there, but our favorite is my mama's recipe of three ingredients:  spinach, pineapple, and green grapes.  That's it.  So simple.  So healthy.  So energizing.  

With Thanksgiving and Christmas approaching so rapidly, I already feel myself gasping for breath at the busyness, clutter, and craziness that often seems doomed to come along with my two favorite times of year.  But it doesn't have to be this way... why can't life be more like green smoothies?  Simple.  Three ingredients.  I don't have three magical ingredients for life that will solve everyone's problem for this, but I do know that if my eyes stay focused on Him, the simple reason for celebrating in the first place, I have nothing to fear or dread.  

"Thanksgiving only becomes thanksliving when the thanks for His vertical, coming-down grace — is expressed as a horizontal, reaching-out grace." - Ann Voskamp

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