Every year (especially since we started homeschooling) we plan out a bucket list for the summer. Not sure if it's the need for change, excitement, or just the thrill of checking things off a list. Regardless of whether we accomplish everything or not, I pray for rest, for new memories, for rekindling summer traditions, and to look back with no regrets.
Here's our 2016 Summer Bucket List!
Go: To the Soda Shop in Pittsboro
Try: Drive-in movie theater and $1 summer movies
Read: At a different library or bookstore each week
Play: At a pool or park that we've never been to
Eat: Smores a lot!
Explore: Two museums
Make: Mini Water blobs
Ride: Kayaks with Daddy
Send: Watercolor postcards
Cook: Healthy recipes on Thursdays
See: Baseball game (Mudcats or Bulls)
Create: Canvas Art
Do: More rollerskating and bowling (on Mondays)
Give Back: Donate & sort books for WLFJ or Dorcas Ministries
Grow: Flowers or herbs from seeds
Travel: To Williamsburg & Charlotte
Watch: And learn about the Olympics
Even though this list was made over a month ago and it's fun to check things off, doing the impromptu or someday's nothing at all is ok too. Water balloons & ice cream with Daddy, picking blueberries at a local farm, and day trips to the beach have already filled our summer days with memories