Friday, October 17, 2014

Keep praying...

We pray that our children will learn responsibility; that they will learn to be kind, generous, and full of mercy and peace. Sometimes you wonder if those prayers are even heard, much lest fulfilled in the lives of our offspring.  Then, one day, you see a glimmer... 

Instead of getting upset over the tired whines, she offers to carry her littlest sister.  A mother's heart can burst in that moment, not with pride, but with pure gratitude over answered prayers.  

Yet, as much as we can pray and pray over our children, it's not until we live the prayers ourselves that our children understand and follow by example.  Personally, I fail at this miserably, but by God's grace, I can start each day fresh with no mistakes in it.  

"Because of the Lord's great love, we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness." - Lamentations 3:22-23

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

31 Days of Praying for our Children

The last two years I have joined bloggers around the world in an effort to blog every day in October, all 31 days.  This year, instead of blogging every day, I want to focus on praying everyday for my girls.   There will not be daily posts, maybe not even weekly posts, but I want to encourage any parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc, to utilize this amazing privilege in coming before our creator to lift up these little (& getting bigger) creations that He has entrusted us to care for and invest in.

I have this calendar folded and tucked in my scripture journal, and it's nothing I've made.  Thank you, Kat Lee & Bob Hostetler, for compiling such a great list based upon scripture to pray over our children daily.  Click on Kat's blog, Inspired to Action, to print your own calendar.     

The first day is praying over our children's salvation.  "Lord, let salvation spring up within my children, that they may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory." Isaiah 45:8, II Tim 2:1

It has been an incredible honor to witness two of my children come to know the Lord, yet I still pray for our littlest one, that she may one day understand the amazing grace of our God and the incredible sacrifice that He paid on our behalf.  For my older two, only God knows their hearts, so I pray for authenticity in their faith. May their salvation be their own, not contingent on mom or dad's. May it not be based on works, but upon a heart who truly loves our Lord.  

To read my last two years 31 days series (which I need to reread myself...), click below:

To read more about what 31 days is all about, click here.