Now that Easter has past, what happens now? We remembered His death, so amazing, so sacrificial. Those crosses still sit on our kitchen table. I'm afraid to take them down for fear I'll forget... for fear that life will go on and that amazing grace will seem lost. Sometimes the colors of the world stand out bold and clear while the cross and the tomb that could not hold Him seem dim in the background.
May our children remember that it's more than a story. It's our reason for living. It's the daily dying to self so that His glory may be proclaimed. For us as mothers & fathers, "we look to Jesus not only as our example; we also see that He is our power to love God and our children. Because Christ has done for us what we could never do for ourselves, with His power we can ask forgiveness of our children when we sin against them, because God in Christ has forgiven us." - Gloria Furman
Let the light never fade. May we teach our families daily to "love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength... impress them on your children... talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." All day, every day, everywhere! (Deuteronomy 6:5-7)
Treasure the blessings God has given us! "Because of the gospel, we can rejoice as we find our hands full of blessings in Jesus, because all we know is grace." - G. Furman
Hold tight to family, yet be willing to let them go. Savor every moment, every holiday, every phone call, and every picture-taking moment.
"Let the rest of folks go ahead and pack up their Easter decorations and turn the calendar page over and they can roll up the banners and swags but there's this Resurrection People who aren't going back to before and we refuse to live like that stone's been rolled back.
He is alive and He is risen and I'm going to keep that on the chalkboard and keep saying it over the burnt pots and the overflowing sinks and I'm going to keep singing it like a refrain: He is Risen Indeed - because I want Him to be risen in me." - Ann Voskamp