Saturday, November 16, 2013

God is so Good!

"God is so good..."  It's a song I've known since I was a young girl.  My girls all know it in both English and Japanese.  It's one of the few nuggets of my childhood that I've passed on to them.  It is probably one of the simplest songs we sing, yet the words are more profound that we can ever comprehend. God is so good...

God is good when He sets the sky ablaze reminding us of His awesome power, yet God is still good when a country faces loss and sorrow and absolute fear of what's to come...

God is good when life gets simple, even for just a morning, with eggs & hashbrowns and playing with baby dolls, just for the fun of it.

God is good in the mundane, in the school work and the raking of leaves because later it leads to jumping right back into them.  

God is good when the arguments cease for a little while and sisters work together, showing patience and love that, Praise God! only comes from Him.

"We won't stop confessing He is good and we won't stop thanking Him for grace and we won't stop holding out our hands - and taking His hand.  We won't stop believing that 'God is good' is not some trite quip for the good days but a radical defiant cry for the terrible days.

That 'God is good' is not a stale one-liner when all's happy but a saving lifeline when all's hard." - Ann Voskamp