Dec 2018 |
Dec 2019 |
A new year, a new decade. This last month has been one of reflection as for most of us. 2019 ended and as we reflect on the past year, the past decade, we can either dwell on the past or look toward the future with anticipation! 10 years ago, I was pregnant with my 3rd baby girl, had just celebrated my 30th birthday, and had only been homeschooling for a year. In the last 10 years, between Marty and I, we have traveled to Japan, Hungary, Ecuador, & Ghana. We have moved 3 times, homeschooled our girls through elementary, into middle school, and now high school. We have struggled through illness both physical and mental, sad good-bye to family many times, and survived a state to state move. But the beautiful memories and experiences far out weigh the hard times, and even through those hard times so much good has come!
In some years past, I've clinged to a word for the year. They have ranged from "peace," "trust," to even "words." But this year as I prayed about the year ahead, the decade ahead (all three of my girls will graduate from high school!), the Lord gave me the word, "planted" from Psalm 1: 2-3, "But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on His law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither." I'm not sure what all it will entail, but I know that I'm to be "planted" in God's word no matter what.
I'm praying through the roots that my girls are growing, yet also for the wings they will spread in the years to come. Over the year ahead, I hope to use this space to share our journey, mistakes we've made in the past, things we've learned, and what we hope for the future.
Wonderful word! May the Lord richly bless all that has been planted and produce fruit many fold! May this decade ahead be the best ever! We love you all!