What I learned in February...
- snow skiing is still as thrilling as when I was 8 years old and brings an entirely new dimension with your 4 year old between your legs.
- traveling with my children is and will continue to be one of my favorite parts of life. Their passports will become their greatest textbooks.
- my 10 year old does not have a birth certificate! Discovered this at our local post office trying to get their passports. We thought that her hospital certificate was her birth certificate for the past 10 years! This was quickly remedied.
- I love my best friend more now than ever! Traveling on youth trips with him, taking time to date him when we can squeeze it in, living life: the good and the bad with him. I wouldn't trade him for anything!
- Even though I love the winter months (& my sweet girls), I crave alone time, whether it's a hour at our local coffee shop or just in my kitchen fixing supper with a podcast going.
- God is teaching me patience through my girls wanting to help in the kitchen. The perfectionist in me really comes out! Mold me, Lord because I can't do it in my own strength.
- Purging stuff is hard. I have done horribly at my 40 bags in 40 days. I don't even know what day I'm on. I could blame it on the snow/ice and the laziness that comes with days like that in NC or that we had a quick stomach bug with one of our girls, but it just comes down to the fact that it's hard. I'm not giving up though.
Now for what's to come in March...
1. Get ready for bed when my nightly alarm goes off. I NEED TO GO TO BED EARLIER!!! I have been working on this for years.
2. Finish Notes from a Blue Bike, read Love & Respect, and pick up where I left off on The Happiness Project. I finished The Best Yes last month. Phenomenal book that I'm still taking notes on. Will share more in another post.
3. Order plane tickets (once tax money comes in...), train tickets, and arrange lodging (already have some tentative arrangements made. Yay!) for Japan.
4. Continue 40 bags in 40 days...
5. Celebrate birthdays well. Two of my favorite people are turning another year older and celebrations will be quiet, but special. My littlest informed me last night that she is no longer 4, but already 5. I turned weepy at the thought of my baby being 5 soon, but she quickly assured me that she would still be my baby when she was 5, and 6, and 7...
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