It's almost been a week since Resurrection Sunday, the day we remember what our Savior did and the reason for our hope in living on this earth. How I want to be constantly mindful of His sacrifice, yet how often the mundane, trivial things of life block my view instead. This has been one of those weeks...
Battling a sickness that swept through our children, leaving us sleep-deprived and fearful of catching it ourselves, this week has left us weary. But I'm finding that during those times, when I'm knocked off my feet and helpless in my own strength, the blessings become more evident. Easter Sunday was a whirl wind of dressing in our Easter best, worshiping with fellow believers, baskets full of goodies, traveling to family, pictures, hunts, and a birthday party to boot! Monday morning woke us up exhausted! Yet it was such a blessing at times (because of our sickness), to be forced to rest, to be allowed the time to remember, to be able to continue to mull through the day of His resurrection that doesn't end that Easter Sunday so long ago.

After a really discouraging Thursday, I was listening to Pandora while fixing supper, and Laura Story's song, Remember, began to play. How I needed those words in that moment! Let me continue to remember what He has done and let the truth of that day never end...
This is the body that was torn for us
This is the blood that was spilt
Points to the pain you endured for us
Points to the shame, the blame, the guilt
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, come
Move our hearts to remember
This is the Lamb who was slain for us
So we the church may enter in
So bitter sweet when we think of You
The One who bore our curse, our sin
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, come
Move our hearts to remember, to remember
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, come
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, come
Move our hearts to remember
So many blessings!!