Chloe's third loose tooth
Marty's loose tooth
Since I last blogged, life has not stopped. Our three weeks of sickness in which four out of the five of us were infected, never seemed to end. Getting away to the beach was absolutely perfect after dealing with so much craziness. Upon returning home, Naomi could barely hear anything we said, thus the beginning of round two of antibiotics for her double ear infection (in which I still don't think the meds are working.)
But yesterday was our most adventurous day of all!
Running late as usual to our home school group, I was granted my first (ever!) traffic ticket. I will not go into details, but it was not for speeding, texting, or even doing my make-up while driving. But I got a ticket!
Then, within the hour, my poor sweet husband (who had been in pain all weekend) got one of his teeth removed due to infection. But on the more positive side, our oldest finally lost one of her top teeth. She was so excited!
So in looking back over the past month, I have much to be thankful for.... that we only had colds & ear infections, rather than the yucky stuff! ....that we were able to rest away from everything as a family.... that my ticket wasn't due to a wreck or some other traumatic incident ... and that we have a really great dentist who we appreciate greatly!!! God is still good!
Here is a smorgasbord of our daily life this past week...
Sophie, just after waking up... with her book & bear
First time putting shoes on by herself... ta da!
Chloe & I made homemade poptarts
The finished product! Quite delicious!